About Anke

Contact Us


January thru May
First Wednesday of Month, 6:30-8PM
Nashville, TN
Mentorship Group

January thru May
First Thursday of Month, 6-8PM
Nashville, TN
Nashville Meet-Up: Inquiry into Happiness
A Free Self-Discovery Program

January 16, 1-5 pm
Nashville, TN
Heart Art: Creative Drive and Awareness

January 27 - 31
Houston, TX
Winter Retreat Intensive: Heart Art II – Deep Space

February 6, 1-5 pm
Nashville, TN
Heart Art: Inner Space

February 16, 1-5
Nashville, TN
Heart Art: In A Nutshell Review

March 7, 4-6pm
Speaker for Nashville IONS
Heart Art: Beyond Lover and Beloved

April 26, 1-5 pm
Lexington, KY
Realizing Our Profession as The Path
The Unknown Territory Series: The Art of Sitting With Human Suffering - Part I

The Unknown Territory Series is a collaboration with Dr. Steve Mangine


Light and Color Therapy
Potent influences on multiple levels of life
Sacred Psychology
An understanding of spiritual and emotional components
Therapeutics for equilibrium and balance
Death Series
Open to a new awareness, and a new wisdom begins
The Mentorship Program and The Desert Time Experience
A rich history in the excavation of self

Life Through the Prism of Death
audio from Anke's appearance on Beyond Reason

With ample evidence of our own mortality, why do we avoid the very mention of death? From the day we are born, the dying begins, yet rather than avoid, what happens if we embrace death as life's ultimate gift? Bio-energetic researcher Anke Nowicki discusses the role of death and asks, "If you died today, precisely who or what is doing the dying?" Fascinating insights on death, acceptance and surrender, as steps to truly living life.